Short Bio

Alexander received a Bachelor of Fine Arts with specialization in sculpture from the Art College in Russia. He follows the traditional school of sculpture, having studied Renaissance art in Italy, yet consistently introduces many modern elements into his works. Since he moved to the United States from St. Petersburg in 1990, he has sold his works to private collectors in the U.S., Canada, Israel, Australia and Russia. Alexander Tsalikhin is an Artist Showcase Award winner of the 1996 Sixth Annual Manhattan Arts International Competition. His work was also selected for the 1997 Annual Exhibition of the National Sculpture Society and won a prestige award from the National Academy Museum and School of Fine Art in New York.His often sensational works bridge the traditional and the modern, bringing to his sculptures a unique combination of the two. Rather than a mere reconciliation of traditional sculptural methods with modernist discovery, Alexander Tsalikhin seamlessly combines the ideals of both approaches in whatever measures are appropriate to his vision. The distinctive results wed concept and configuration with instigating fascination. (Book Art Press Publishers, New York, 2000)


In my work I follow the traditional form of sculpture but also include some modern elements. A human in a calm, contemplative state, deep in dream or meditation is the most interesting theme for me. . I strive to transfer into my sculptures the human world inside its own mind, when one is calm inside his own world.

I work intuitively, with no pre-conceived plans. Don't analyze what my work means or try to express any particular idea. A visual image comes to me, and I make a sketch. When I start sculpting, it often changes, taking on a life of its own and sometimes developing into something quite different. Materials are important. An unexpected juxtaposition of contrasting materials, like bronze and glass, attracts and inspires me. I think creative process is a part of my quest for self- knowledge.